Care Package #1

What do you do when a really good friend feels down?

Try this, especially if she happens to be a pre-school teacher missing her students a lot and is busy with her Master’s degree among other things, to remind her that there are pre-school kids in all of us that we should let out from time to time and that you can find fresh perspective for what you do in small things that friends do for you.

Being physically in two or three places at the same time was not a feasible option, and getting together to share a drink or two to get that buzz at midafternoon was out of the question, Shynne and I decided to make her best friend Teachoy Tweena a care package to help her escape from her worries for a bit: Yahoo Messenger IMVironment art.

It started when Shynne was showing me her favorite IMVironments, which eventually landed to the above captured IMVironment. Then an idea in our heads suddenly went “ka-ching” and started pointing our mice in all sorts of directions and selected colors.

Some clicking, dragging and art direction from the kid in us. No mess! No spilled paints or watercolor or broken crayons.

We emailed the screen capture to Teachoy Tweena, and Shynne told me that she would be happy with our little care package.

Anyways, that was a nice thing to do. How about you? What little thing would you do for your friends should they feel way in over their heads or hit a low?


Care Package #2 – Christmas in July

Part two of our collaboration with YM Art. I think this one really tickled our beloved teachoy.

Again, we thought our beloved teachoy could use another cheer pack. So we thought, how about a Christmas in July artwork? It took as bit longer to think about what to draw and a lot longer to draw the whole thing, but this time, we kind of put in some more color and a bit more detail, plus Shynne added input in what Trina would’ve like to have in that drawing.

We took up so much space in drawing on the available space, we didn’t know how to sign the artwork with our names, so we just put in our initials as plainly as we could. We sent it to Trina, who saw it almost immediately while attending her class.

And yes, as expected, our beloved teachoy was tickled with this drawing.

3 responses to “FRIENDS”

  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Now this is too much…aaaawww! really very sweet of you guys to send me cutie2 artworks! Ü and to write the story behind it. u dont know how much that artwork made my day, as in. everytime i look at it, i just go “aaaawww.” it’s not just the drawing.. . it’s the signatures actually that make me smile. i dunno…it’s prolly coz of the way they were written (so child-like) or simply bcoz those are marks of two persons who worked separately but came up with a really good artwoik! there’s continuity in it (oh now, im being an art critic…wehehehe!). i just luv the both of you…shynne + johnny = cutie cutie!

  3. im glad you liked it trina.. anything to cheer you up!! =) yabyu kapatid!

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